4 June Getting Our Houses in Order by Jacky Mueck News 0 0 Comment 561 Chris Hill 2024 President, Maryland REALTORS® August 17. That’s the day when everything gets real, the deadline for MLSs across the nation, including Bright MLS in Maryland, “to implement policy changes pursuant to mandatory NAR policy.” How prepared are you? Below is NAR’s Settlement Timeline, which provides important milestone dates. As June is Homeownership Month, we’ve put a lot of information in this issue to help you add value to the work you do. We’ve also inserted, our updated publication, “152 Things Maryland REALTORS® Can Do for their Clients,” expanded with more ideas for Buyer Agents. Both the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and your state association, Maryland REALTORS®, has published information, FAQs, and guidance. As this topic is constantly in motion, we’re making sure you have the most up-to-date information available. Navigate information online that will help to make sense of the changes coming to the industry, including the NAR Settlement Timeline, Maryland REALTORS® Settlement Resource Page, NAR's Settlement Resource page, and Bright's Settlement Resource Page. As always, we are here to support the work you do. We look forward to working with you as we travel this path together. JJ24 Share Comments are closed.