REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC)

RPAC contributions support candidates who support real estate.

Your investment into RPAC directly helps efforts at the local, state, and federal level to engage lawmakers whose work aligns with the real estate industry. Whether it’s reducing costs for first-time homebuyers, support for accessory dwelling units (ADUs), reducing impact fees, and more, RPAC speaks for the REALTOR® community because our party—the REALTOR® Party—is the REALTOR® community.

How RPAC Works with You:

  • Maryland's RPAC Trustees determine, with local member REALTOR® input, which political candidates receive RPAC support.
  • Decisions on candidate support are non-partisan and reflect simple criteria: Any candidate must support REALTORS® on real estate issues.
  • RPAC strictly adheres to Maryland Election Laws and Federal Election Commission guidelines that maintain it as a legitimate, voluntary expression of democracy
  • Your participation in RPAC is 100% voluntary.
  • RPAC allows REALTORS® a fair, bipartisan, and unified voice on matters important to REALTORS® everywhere.


RPAC Residential Investor Brochure (Click to Download)

RPAC Commercial Investor Brochure (Click to Download)